Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Customer Value Creation

  • Yusra
  • Uzma Saleem
  • Muhammad Imran Khan
Keywords: Entrepreneur; Customer orientation; Value Creation


The entrepreneurial orientation enhances the factors that provide the competitive advantage to the entrepreneurs over their competitors. Entrepreneurial orientation is becoming an important tool for the entrepreneurs to enhance the satisfaction and value creation for the customers in the modern economy, there for the current study aimed at analyzing the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientations and their impact on value creations of the customer. The current study identified three dimensions of entrepreneurial orientations i.e. risk taking, innovativeness and pro activeness. In order to find the impact of these three dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation on the customer value creation, the current study collected data from the sample of 67 participants  selected from the population comprised of different sectors. The data was collected through adopted questionnaire and was analyzed through different statistical techniques. The results indicated that all the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientations were having a positive and significant on customers value creation. The study implies that managers and entrepreneurs should be proactive, innovative and risk takers  for enhancing the value creation for customers.

