Evaluating the Efficacy of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programs in Mardan: Teacher Perspectives in Professional Growth and School Improvement
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the perceptions that teachers have regarding continuous professional development programmes, as well as the impact that these programmes have on the teachers' professional development and the academic advancement of their schools. To be more explicit, the purpose of the study was to examine the quality and effectiveness of continuing professional development programmes by assessing the perspectives and beliefs held by teachers. A sample of 80 teachers was used for the research project, and quantitative instruments such as structured questionnaires were used to collect data from them. The results of the study showed that teachers had a favourable and significant perception of the professional development programmes that were designed to boost their professional progress. It was viewed by teachers that trainers should work more cooperatively with teachers, such as listening to them, mentoring them, and coaching them rather than teaching them. As a new powerful and effective instrument to improve their school environment, teachers especially valued the sense of collaboration that existed between others in the teaching profession. In addition, the study divulged the components that constitute the quality of programmes for continuing professional development as well as the aspects that have the potential to contribute to the successful execution of such programmes.
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