Political Engagement through Otaq and Voting Turnover: A Case Study
In the formation of an individual’s political personality, the central role of the Biraderi (clan or community) lies in addressing all fundamental and natural needs. It serves as a central channel and, in a way, derives its role from the local context. Voters tend to identify with their Biraderi or family when considering the political system. The Biraderi Head (often known as ChangoMurs) becomes a proto-typical authority figure and initiates discussions within the community about political matters. The process of political engagement, particularly in interior Sindh, significantly influences every individual who is a member of the Otaq and regularly demonstrates their presence and participation in the daily Kachahri (informal gathering). Consequently, voters prioritize the interests of their family and clan. The voting for a specific person during conflicts, necessities, and for their well-being is often guided by familial norms. Therefore, Otaq acts as a cohesive force, facilitating social networking and serving as a means to increase their numbers for turnover.
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