Unveiling the Essence of Achievement Goals: Examining Multidimensional Pursuits and Gender Differences in University Students' Academic Success
Setting achievement goals is of paramount importance for students as it provides a clear sense of direction and purpose in their academic pursuits, including achievement. By defining precise goals and targets, students can effectively plan their actions, allocate resources, and track their progress, which in turn enhances their motivation, value of task, engagement, and their overall academic performance. This research study aims to investigate the multidimensional pursuits of academic achievement goals among university students in Pakistan, considering the significance of goal setting in enhancing motivation and academic performance. Drawing upon a comprehensive literature review, the study examines the nature of academic achievement goals, including mastery and performance goals, and their implications for students' learning and performance. The research employs a survey and correlational research design, with data collected from 1036 randomly selected students across three universities in Multan city using the Achievement Goal Questionnaire (AGQ). The findings reveal that university students predominantly adopt mastery approach goals, followed by performance approach goals, with minimal adoption of performance avoidance goals and even less adoption of mastery avoidance goals. Gender differences are observed, with female students reporting significantly higher scores in mastery approach goals. Analysis also highlights significant correlations among different dimensions of academic achievement goals, although they do not significantly predict students' academic achievement. These results underscore the importance of understanding students' goal orientations and provide insights into shaping educational policies and practices to support student success and well-being in Pakistan.
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