The current study investigated the effectives of the group work in enhancing and improving the English-speaking skills of the students studying at middle level schools. In order to achieve this objective of the current study, quantitative type of the research was chosen in this study. The study used a quasi-experimental research design with a pre-test and post-test. The middle level school students studying at Mardan were selected as the study population. A sample of 35 students were selected form the middle level school students studying at Mardan. Mean analysis was conducted to find the mean scores and the difference in the mean scores, While the One-Sample t-test was conducted to compare the means and to determine the significant difference in the means scores values in the pre-test and pro-test. The result of the pre-test showed that the average scores of the students was 54.71. The results showed that the mean difference between the pretest and the posttest was 13.31. This showed that there a positive difference between the mean values of the pretest and the posttest. The results shows that the performance of the students in speaking skills improved. The results of One sample T test showed that the difference between the mean scores of the pre-test and the mean score of the posttest is significant (p=.000) thus showed that the group work develops and enhances the speaking skills of students. The study recommended that student should be familiarized with the benefits from participating in group work for enhancing their speaking and conversant with the prosody of English language including stress, rhythm, intonation and pitch that should be identified.
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