Democratic Culture In Former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA): Challenges And Opportunities (A Case Study Of District Khyber)
This study explores the challenges and opportunities in promoting democratic culture in the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan, with a case study of District Khyber. The research aims to investigate the historical, socio-cultural, and political factors that affect the development of democratic culture in this region, which has traditionally been governed by tribal structures and authoritarian practices. The study employd a qualitative research approach, including interviews, focus groups, and document analysis and collected and analyzed data. The findings suggest that democratic culture in former FATA is constrained by policies of negligence by successive governments, lack of awareness and civic education, weak institutional capacity, and persistent security challenges. However, recent initatives and implementation of awareness activities, local governance election and political representation demonstrate the potential for progress towards democratic values. The study concludes that fostering democratic culture in former FATA is a long-term process that requires sustained efforts and engagement from multiple actors to address the challenges and seize the opportunities for democratic development in the region.
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