Effect of Exercise Regimens on Recovery Time and Functional Outcomes of Athletes with Sports-Related Injuries in Rivers State, Nigeria

  • Abimbola Victor
Keywords: Exercise regimens, sports injury recovery, athlete rehabilitation, functional outcomes, recovery time.


This study examined the effect of exercise regimens on the recovery time and functional outcomes of athletes recovering from sports-related injuries in Rivers State Nigeria. The study was guided by three objectives and a quasi-experimental research design was adopted for this study. The population for the study were athletes aged between 18-35 who had sustained sports-related injuries, with a sample size of 60 participants randomly selected from various two sport clubs and two universities in Rivers State. A structured questionnaire and observation checklist were used as research instruments. Validity was ensured through expert review and pilot testing. Data collection was conducted using a combination of pre- and post-rehabilitation assessments, on strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Baseline characteristics were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Statistical significance for the results analyzed by SPSS version 25.0 was indicated by a significance threshold of p < 0.05. The findings of the study revealed that athletes who were placed exercise regimens exhibited faster recovery times and better functional outcomes compared to those in the rehabilitation group. The study concluded that exercise programs significantly enhance recovery and rehabilitation for athletes. The recommended among others that sports rehabilitation facilities and physiotherapists should offer tailored exercise programs that features strength training, flexibility training and aerobic training. These regimens are unique and individualized, and have been proven to reduce recovery time and improve functional outcomes, making them a key part of injury recovery.
