Fandom and Fanfiction in Entertainment

  • Saddam Munawer
  • Abdul Shakoor
  • Usman Idreees
  • Muhammad Tariq


The way fanfiction has influenced entertainment culture is an interesting phenomenon. Fans can make their favorite celebrity a global sensation within short span of time. Though fandom or fanfiction is not a novel phenomenon, however the way it has undergone transformation with the emergence of digital media is critical. Digital revolution has postured profound effects in determining the fan culture in media and entertainment industry. Digital media has widened the scope of “fan-celebrity” relation. The boundaries between media content producers and consumers are being redefined. This study explores the fandom in entertainment and media industry. Literature suggests that there exists a symbiotic relation between consumers and producers and both work for mutual benefit. The study has applied qualitative method i.e. in-depth interviews to investigate the phenomenon. Under the theoretical foundation of Uses and Gratification this study found that the emergence of digital media (particularly social media) has reformed the entertainment culture with increased influence of the fans. Fans play significant decisive role in determining the nature the entertainment content being produced.
