Mediatization's Impact on News Media Trust and Credibility: A Comprehensive Analysis of Viewer Perceptions

  • Muhammad Ahmad Sheikh
  • Zamr Ashraf
  • Basim Mir
  • Saleem Akhtar


This study looks at why trust and belief in news of Pakistan has lost its credibility and how Pakistani news media portray the relation between believing stories, democracy, and changes happening around us. To explore what factors harm media credibility, and how can we restored a qualitative research method is applied. The variables used to judge the credibility of the news media were, belief, accuracy, fairness, bias, trustworthiness, and dependability. In-depth interviews with a diverse group of media professionals were conducted using purposive sampling Thematic analysis was used to identify recurring patterns and themes in the data, giving an understanding of the effects of mediatization on viewer’s perceptions. The results specified issues causing distrust on media content and some solutions to rectify these issues were suggested by the selected panel of journalists/ Broadcasters.
