Reflection of Emotional State of Seven Year Old Autistic Child through Drawings: A Visual Discourse Analysis

  • Sidra Haroon university of management and technology Lahore
  • Shumaila Ahmad
  • Shaista Ghazanfar
Keywords: english, disorder


The present study shows how a youngster with autism can utilize drawings to communicate their emotional states. This is accomplished by using a case study that focuses on six distinct emotional states that an autistic youngster exhibits. This research offers a thorough explanation while concentrating on the history, principles, and importance of autism. A qualitative method is then used to look at the observation and study of drawings made by children with autism. Happiness, rage, annoyance, playfulness, boredom, and excitement are among the variables examined in this study. Using this research, the study intends to investigate the improved emotional state of children with autism. It also assists in determining how those kids express their feelings through drawings.  The study will observe the patterns and ways in the drawings and will relate them to six different emotional conditions. The findings will relate different theories to the emotional state of autistic child. It will discuss the importance of non-verbal communication in understanding the emotional well-being of autistic child. These methods will have a positive impact on understanding them better and improving their quality of life. This thesis contributes to the improvement of the lives of autistic children by emphasizing the importance of drawings in understanding their emotional states better. This study will be helpful for educators, therapists, and parents offering better practical implications of non-verbal communication in autistic children. The research will look for trends and patterns in the drawings and connect them to six distinct emotional states. The results will link many ideas to the emotional state of children with autism. It will go over how crucial nonverbal cues are to comprehending an autistic child's emotional health. These techniques will help us comprehend them better and enhance their quality of life. By highlighting the value of drawings in better comprehending the emotional states of autistic children, this thesis helps to improve the lives of these youngsters. Teachers, therapists, and parents will benefit from this study's improved practical implications of nonverbal communication in children with autism.

