Develop and Validate the Influence of Peers and Educators on Engagement Scale (IPEES)

  • Hina Ilyas
  • Dr. Nazish Andleeb
  • Amina Arshad


This study develops and validates the Influence of Peers and Educators on Engagement Scale (IPEES) to measure the impact of peers and teachers on university students' academic engagement. The study aims to develop and validate the IPEES, a scale designed to assess the influence of peers and teachers on the academic engagement of university students. The IPEES comprises 38 items categorized into five factors: Role Modeling, Social Support, Feedback and Guidance, Classroom Environment, and Motivation and Expectations. These factors represent the various dimensions through which peers and educators impact student engagement. An expert review was conducted to ensure the content validity of the scale. Twelve items were removed due to poor content validity ratio (CVR), indicating insufficient agreement among experts regarding their relevance to the construct being measured. The remaining items were then administered to university students via Google Forms. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with Varimax rotation was employed to validate the scale. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure, assessing the sampling adequacy, yielded a high value of 0.897, indicating that the data were suitable for factor analysis. Additionally, Bartlett's test of sphericity was significant (p < 0.000), supporting the factorability of the correlation matrix. The final scale reflects two core factors identified through a scree test, suggesting a concise yet comprehensive representation of the construct. These factors capture the essential dimensions of peer and educator influence on student engagement.
