Development and Validation of Scale SSAPS for Investigate the Impact of the Semester System on Students' Academic Performance in Higher Education

  • Amina Arshad
  • Dr. Nazish Andleeb
  • Hina Ilayas


The impact of the semester system on students' academic performance in higher education has garnered significant interest due to its potential implications for student outcomes. This study aims to develop and validate the Semester System Academic Performance Survey (SSAPS) to measure various dimensions influencing academic performance under the semester system. The SSAPS initially comprised 50 items categorized into four factors: Student Engagement, Academic Performance, Stress Levels, and Time Management Skills. Expert opinions were solicited from 14 experts, resulting in the removal of 17 items due to poor content validity (CVR < 0.45). Data were collected via a Google Form distributed through WhatsApp groups to university students. Exploratory factor analysis using varimax rotation validated the scale. The KMO measure was 0.748, and Bartlett's test was significant (p < 0.001). The Cronbach’s alpha for the instrument was 0.902, indicating high reliability. These results demonstrate that the SSAPS is a robust tool for assessing the impacts of the semester system, paving the way for more targeted academic interventions. Future studies could utilize this validated survey to explore the longitudinal effects on student performance.
