Investigating the Moderating Role of Itikaf on the Relationship between Psychological Distress and Subjective Happiness
This study examines the moderating effect of Itikaf, an Islamic ritual that involves dedicating time in a mosque for exclusive worship and refraining from worldly activities, on the relationship between psychological distress, specifically depression, anxiety, stress, and subjective happiness. To achieve this, data were gathered from 385 participants utilizing a cross-sectional approach that incorporated the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale and the Subjective Happiness Scale. The sample included 247 individuals who engaged in Itikaf and 134 non-practitioners identified through purposive sampling. Data analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS (Version 25). The results indicated a significant negative correlation between psychological distress and subjective happiness. Moderation analysis revealed that Itikaf effectively lessens the influence of depression on subjective happiness, whereas anxiety and stress did not present a significant effect. Thus, while Itikaf appears to be an effective means of alleviating depression, it does not significantly improve overall subjective happiness. This indicates that the advantages of Itikaf might be more evident in addressing specific psychological distress rather than in enhancing general happiness.
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