Participatory Communication Methods to Demonstrate Mastery of Mathematical Skills of Algebra and Geometry for Pupils with Hearing Impairment at Higher Secondary Level in Punjab: A Survey Study
This study was conducted with the goal of identifying participatory communication methods employed by special education teachers for demonstrating mastery of mathematical skills of algebra and geometry to pupils with moderate hearing impairment (H.I.) at higher secondary level in Punjab, Pakistan. Special education teachers teaching to pupils with hearing impairment in the special education institutions of the Punjab province made up the population of the study. Convenience sampling technique was used to choose the sample of the sixty special education teachers. The researcher collected data by using a structured self developed questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to describe the data. The findings of the study demonstrated no significant difference (p> .05) in participatory communication methods used by special education teachers for demonstrating mastery of mathematical skills of algebra and geometry to pupils with moderate hearing impairment based on gender, designation and district. The results of this study showed that participatory communication methods can help increase pupils’ mathematical knowledge and improve outcomes. It was recommended that special education need to be flexible and understand how their pupils learn best.
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