Investigating the Elements of Teaching Related to Connectedness that Improve the Quality of Teaching and Enhance Students Learning Outcomes
This study was conducted to investigate the elements of teaching related to connectedness that improve the quality of teaching and enhance students learning outcomes in the subject of Biology at secondary level. The objectives of study were: (i) to investigate the element of teaching related to background knowledge in teaching biology, (ii) to find out the elements of teaching related to knowledge integration in teaching biology, (iii) to examine the element of world beyond classroom in teaching biology, (iv) to explore teaching element of students representative participation for teaching biology and (v) to find out teaching element of narrative for teaching Biology. In the study the elements of teaching quality were selected from literature to investigate the issue of improvement of quality teaching and enhance students learning outcomes. There were four participant teachers selected through purposive sampling technique from three secondary schools of district Rawalpindi. The qualitative method was used in the study. Classroom observations and in-depth interviews were used as a data collection tools. For analyzing the data thematic analysis was used. Conclusion and recommendations were drawn on the basis of common points and theme. The research was beneficial for Biology teachers to improve the quality of teaching for motivating students learning. It was observed that teacher B,C&D connected the lesson with the world beyond the classroom and they were very friendly with academically weak students infrequently. About the background knowledge teacher A&D said it gave deep understanding about history of the topic while teacher C considered it helpful for integration of students’ knowledge with current understanding. All the teacher perceived that academically weak students participated in classroom decoration, in sports and in gaming activities. It is recommended that teacher should relate the subject of Biology with the world beyond classrooms. Teachers may give extra time to academically weak students. Teacher should use diagrams, models and real plants during their teaching.
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