Admissibilty of Recordings of Evidence through Video Conferencing in the Eye of Law

  • Dr. Shahid Rizwan
  • Laiq Ur Rahman


The digital landscape is bringing drastic changes in every sphere of the life throughout the world , and it is getting harder for nations to stay up with information technology. This makes it even harder for developing nations to deal with the problem. Legal field is not an exceptional, however, lawmakers are not expected to foresee the future, laws intended to achieve a particular goal may not work when a new circumstance emerges. When it comes to digital evidence, Pakistan's legal community, the executive, legislature, and judiciary all face the same challenges because many aspects of digital evidence are not covered in the body of prior legislation on the law of evidence. Prior to 2002, there were no regulations in Pakistan governing the use of digital evidence in court. This article contains surveys, in-depth case studies, and an overview of known cases in order to research the idea of using modern devices to record evidence.
