Investigating the Readiness and Challenges Female Teachers Face for Stem Education at the Elementary Level in South Punjab
This research reviewed the preparedness level and obstaclesconfronted by 291 female elementary school teachers in South Punjab, Pakistan,to enhance STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). This cross-sectional study, which used quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, established a moderate level of STEM readiness and content knowledge comprehension among the participants and teachers. Nonetheless, some major concerns were highlighted, including lack of professional development, Lack of resources, cultural barriers, and limitations to the curriculum. The qualitative data emphasized the necessity for more training opportunities, improved resource distribution, mentorship programs, and greater community involvement to tackle these issues. The study raises the acute awareness of the various challenges, which, if well understood, will assist in implementing STEM education in the region. Among those, there is more focus on professional development, resources, mentors, and strengthening the community for girls in STEM subjects. Thus, by identifying significant factors that affect readiness and main challenges among female teachers, the study contributes to envisioning specific approaches and mechanisms for educators’ encouragement and creating a more inclusive STEM education context in South Punjab and other similar areas.
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