Classroom Technological Practices for the Enhancement of Student's Learning Motivation
This study explored the “Classroom Technological Practices for the Enhancement of Students’ Learning Motivation”. The objective of the study was to explore the practices of technology in the classroom for the enhancement of learning motivation at Higher Education Institutes. The research question what are the classroom technological practices for the enhancement of learning motivation at Higher Education Institutes? Abdul Wali Khan University was targeted for data collection. A convenient sampling technique was used to select a sample of 6 students. In-depth interviews were arranged for the gathering of data from the targeted sample. Thematic analysis was applied to analyze the data. It was found that classroom technological practices improve the learning motivation of students. This finding is a pleasant count to the awareness in the arena of learning. The result makes available support for policy creativity suggested to increase students’ learning motivation by purifying teachers’ competencies in classroom technological practices. It aims to benefit teachers, students, assessors, analysts, researchers, and other stakeholders. Based on this result, it is recommended that inexpert instructors be delivered training in technological instruction; inexperienced instructors may attend recurrent seminars, and workshops to equip themselves with new technological skills to practice for instruction.
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